Wednesday, 8 June 2011

pre-school classes in Tarleton, lancashire - Kiddiroo

If you live in the West Lancashire area, why not sign up to one of our pre school classes.
Starting on Tuesday the 14th June, 11 we have Creation Station classes. These arts and crafts sessions take place between 1 - 2pm every week (age 1 year upwards). Buy 5 weeks and get 1 week FREE!
Starting on Friday the 17th June, 11, 10:15 - 11am, we have my mini maestros; a pre-school music education programme which is suitable from birth to five years.
We have mini potters booked for Tuesday the 5th July, 11 between 10 - 11:30am. It is an hour and a half session during which children can paint a mug (ideal age between 18 months - 4 years). Limited places left on this course so book now!
To book your classes, call us on 01772 816343, e-mail us or drop in to the Kiddiroo store at 6 Mark Square, Tarleton, Preston, PR4 6TU.

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