Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Our First Blog

Hello and welcome to the first Kiddiroo blog. (www.kiddiroo.co.uk) We are an online company selling designer children's toys and accessories. 

Kiddiroo Parties
Enjoy an afternoon or evening of shopping from the comfort of your own home whilst being able to see a range of products that we stock. Our Kiddiroo parties are now underway and our first ones have been a great success. We are looking forward to many more. We offer incentives to all of our hosts as a thank you for allowing us to come to their home and demonstrate our range. We will be giving the host a free bottle wine together with discounts off your purchases on the night according to your party sales.

To book your party, please complete the contact form on our website (www.kiddiroo.co.uk/enquiry.asp) or email us (enquiry@kiddiroo.co.uk). At present we are based in Tarleton, Lancashire and will be hosting parties within a 20 mile radius. our aim is to expand this in the future. See below for details of how to become a Kiddiroo Party Consultant.

Consultants Wanted
Due to an increasing demand, we are expanding into the party plan business. We are seeking independent consultants to start their own business showcasing the quality of the range of products sold by Kiddiroo. Visit the website and fill in an enquiry form (www.kiddiroo.co.uk/enquiry.asp) or email us (enquiry@kiddiroo.co.uk) and see what commission rates you could earn.

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