Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Check out the latest edition of the Kiddiroo newsletter which includes details of new products, parties and competitions, including our latest winner.


Monday, 12 October 2009

Kiddiroo are helping to keep the costs down this Christmas. Save 10% on all children's toys, gifts and accessories if you order before the 8th November, 2009. No minimum orders. Simply enter voucher code '0811blogsandforums' when you checkout - www.kiddiroo.co.uk

Monday, 28 September 2009

Baby Blog

Follow baby Mia as she grows and learns. Read about her first few months -http://www.kiddiroo.co.uk/more_info_extra.asp?current_id=116

I, Kirsty, have decided to write this blog, not as a manual reference guide or to show how things should be done, but more as a reassurance to mums out there that they are not doing the baby thing on their own. Sometimes it's just nice to know what other people are doing and how their babies are getting on. I know when I had my first son, I had a number of “baby friends” but sometimes it all felt a bit competitive about who’s baby was doing what and who’s baby did it first, etc. I got fed up with trying to keep up with it all. With that in mind I decided to write this blog for those ladies (and gents) out there who are looking for some reassurance and guidance and would like an incite into other people's lives, but who don’t want to share their lives back again.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

‘Plan Ahead’ with Kiddiroo. Buy now; send later for that special occasion

Kiddiroo is an online shopping site dedicated to sourcing unique children’s toys, gifts and accessories from around the world for kids aged from birth to five years. Sisters-in-law, Jane Ramones and Kirsty Kenyon, whose professional backgrounds are in law and teaching, decided to set up their firm after spotting a gap in the market for high quality, unusual items available online, rather than from high-street boutiques.

Kiddiroo offers some rather unique and different items as well as a gift-wrapping service, allowing people to send a gift direct to a recipient anywhere in the world for just £2.00 an item. Kiddiroo have now launched their 'Plan Ahead' option in conjunction with their gift-wrapping service which means that customers can buy their children's toys, gifts and accessories now and Kiddiroo will gift-wrap and dispatch later, on a date requested by them. With this service, customers can rest assured that they won’t forget that all important birthday or occasion.

This service is ideal for busy working mums. Finding time to organise presents and gifts on top of work and a busy home life can be challenging, especially when that special someone lives out of the area or even overseas. It is also a service which appeals to people going away on holiday or business or those who simply want to be highly organized and plan ahead. One extra bonus is that by buying now, people can take advantage of any current offers, regardless of the delivery date.

To ‘Plan Ahead’ is quick and easy: -

  1. 1. Shop online at www.kiddiroo.co.uk
  2. 2. Choose your gift(s) and gift-wrap.
  3. 3. When you check out, in the 'Message(s) / Special Instructions' box, provide any special instructions in relation to the gift as well as the date you would like the gift to be sent.
  4. 4. Pay for your order.
  5. 5. Sit back and relax! Kiddiroo will do the rest. On the date of dispatch you will receive an e-mail confirming that your gift has been sent to your chosen recipient.

Visit Kiddiroo and take advantage of this invaluable service.

Conditions apply

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Kiddiroo have now launched their 'Plan Ahead' option in conjunction with their gift-wrapping service. If you are going away on holiday or business, seen a product you like and want to take advantage of now such as a special offer, or you just want to plan ahead for birthdays and Christmas, you can buy your children's toys, gifts and accessories now and Kiddiroo will gift-wrap and dispatch on a date requested by you. With this service you know that your children's toys and gifts will reach your loved ones on the right date and you can rest assured that you won't forget that all important birthday or occasion.

How to 'Plan Ahead'
  1. Once you have chosen your gift and gift-wrap, in the 'Message(s) / Special Instructions' Box, provide us with any special instructions in relation to the gift as well as the date you would like the gift to be sent.
  2. Pay for your order.
  3. Sit back and relax! Kiddiroo will do the rest. On the date of dispatch you will receive an e-mail confirming that your gift has been sent to your chosen recipient.

Separate orders must be placed for different addresses and different dates of dispatch. If a number of products are going to the same address on the same date then only one transaction needs to be made.
Kiddiroo will dispatch your gifts on the date you have specified (unless it is a Sunday or Bank Holiday then the gift will be dispatched the following working day).
Kiddiroo does not accept responsibility for any strikes or delays by the carrier which are outside the control of Kiddiroo
As stated, a fee of £2.00 per item will be charged for the gift-wrapping service.
Please allow approximately 3 - 5 working days for your gift to arrive, however, it may arrive sooner.
Check out Kiddiroo's summer savings on their unique children's toys and gifts. Save £8.00 on our wooden mermaid and pirate pram toys, clip on toys and rattle sets. Now £24.95! Learn letters and numbers with a london bus wooden jigsaw. Reduced from £17.95 to £12.95. A great £5.00 saving. Choose from our Noah's Ark and Digger wooden children's height charts. Now £14.95 instead of £19.95.


Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Free Gift

Looking for original and affordable childrens toys? Kiddiroo has the solution for babies and toddlers aged from birth to five years. Fast, personal service with gift-wrap available.

Kiddiroo have a special offer for all of their account holders and newsletter subscribers. As valued customers you will receive a free gift on all online orders over £30 (not including postage and packing). Simply place your order and a special gift will be included with your delivery. If you aren't an account holder or newsletter subscriber then sign up now!

Kiddiroo - Unique childrens toys and gifts - traditional, educational and original.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Check out our new range of children's toys

Check out our latest range of children's toys. Let your child's imagination run wild with our pizza party set (£14.99) and Princess Elisa Magnetic Dress Up Set (£9.99). Have fun learning colours with a magnetic colour maze (£12.99) and keep your little ones in check with a magnetic responsibility chart and magnetic calendar (£16.99 each)

Monday, 22 June 2009

Competition Giveaway

Visit us at Kiddiroo for our competition giveaway: -


We have 2 fabulous fabric pretend playsets to giveaway, courtesy of Magical Play Times Ltd, distributors of Scandinavian designed gifts for kids - sole representatives of the sought after Scandinavian brand Oskar & Ellen. A beautiful fabric picnic basket and cool fabric tool belt. Simply create an account and sign up to our newsletter to be in with a chance to win - http://www.kiddiroo.co.uk/account.asp

Sunday, 21 June 2009


We would love to hear about what you think of Kiddiroo - http://www.kiddiroo.co.uk. It will help us know whether we are doing a good job or whether there is anything else which needs improving or addressing. Please post your review at the following link:-


Consultants - new business opportunities

Kiddiroo are currently looking for Consultants for their toy, gift and accessory company. As you may be aware, Kiddiroo (http://www.kiddiroo.co.uk) is an online shopping site dedicated to stocking unique children's toys, gifts and accessories from around the world for children aged from birth - 5 years. Kiddiroo has recently expanded and is now going directly into the home. As a Kiddiroo Consultant you would take along a range of products for your host and their friends to look at and try out. A relaxed social occasion which reaps great rewards for the host and also for the Consultant. You would be self employed and can therefore work your own hours which makes the job flexible. As a consultant you will earn profit from sales of our products to customers.

As a Consultant you will purchase a pack of toys from Kiddiroo. We have 2 packs on offer at the moment. The first pack contains 19 of our best selling products. The reason why we ask you to purchase a pack is so that you will have the products in front of you to demonstrate to your customers. In addition, you will have a full catalogue of all of our products which will assist you during your parties (free). Also contained within your pack is a Kiddiroo t-shirt (free) and a starter pack of order forms, invites, host letters and consultant order forms (free). Furthermore, you will be given all the help and support you need along the way. We have kept the cost of this pack to the absolute minimum, the total cost of which is £99.99 (plus delivery cost). Our second pack is £139.99 (plus delivery cost) and contains 27 of our best selling products together with the above. There is also the option to add to your range straight away or once you get established. We are also in the process of developing a bonus scheme whereby our Consultants can add products to their pack free of charge if they reach sales targets.

If you are interested then e-mail me at mailto:enquiries@kiddiroo.co.uk

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Our First Blog

Hello and welcome to the first Kiddiroo blog. (www.kiddiroo.co.uk) We are an online company selling designer children's toys and accessories. 

Kiddiroo Parties
Enjoy an afternoon or evening of shopping from the comfort of your own home whilst being able to see a range of products that we stock. Our Kiddiroo parties are now underway and our first ones have been a great success. We are looking forward to many more. We offer incentives to all of our hosts as a thank you for allowing us to come to their home and demonstrate our range. We will be giving the host a free bottle wine together with discounts off your purchases on the night according to your party sales.

To book your party, please complete the contact form on our website (www.kiddiroo.co.uk/enquiry.asp) or email us (enquiry@kiddiroo.co.uk). At present we are based in Tarleton, Lancashire and will be hosting parties within a 20 mile radius. our aim is to expand this in the future. See below for details of how to become a Kiddiroo Party Consultant.

Consultants Wanted
Due to an increasing demand, we are expanding into the party plan business. We are seeking independent consultants to start their own business showcasing the quality of the range of products sold by Kiddiroo. Visit the website and fill in an enquiry form (www.kiddiroo.co.uk/enquiry.asp) or email us (enquiry@kiddiroo.co.uk) and see what commission rates you could earn.