Monday, 28 September 2009

Baby Blog

Follow baby Mia as she grows and learns. Read about her first few months -

I, Kirsty, have decided to write this blog, not as a manual reference guide or to show how things should be done, but more as a reassurance to mums out there that they are not doing the baby thing on their own. Sometimes it's just nice to know what other people are doing and how their babies are getting on. I know when I had my first son, I had a number of “baby friends” but sometimes it all felt a bit competitive about who’s baby was doing what and who’s baby did it first, etc. I got fed up with trying to keep up with it all. With that in mind I decided to write this blog for those ladies (and gents) out there who are looking for some reassurance and guidance and would like an incite into other people's lives, but who don’t want to share their lives back again.